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Feedback trends 2024: the driving force behind growth

With ever-changing consumer behavior, building trust remains an essential element for brand success. According to recent research, as many as 61% of European consumers have more trust in brands with impressive review scores. This alone underlines the growing influence of feedback on consumer perception and emphasizes the importance of a well-thought-out feedback strategy.

Feedback in 2024: the game continues

It is clear that the 'feedback game' is still 'on' in 2024. The importance of gathering customer feedback and responding quickly to their needs remains as great as ever. An effective feedback strategy remains the basis of successful growth for companies, regardless of their size or sector.

Collecting and analyzing customer experiences provides valuable insights that enable companies to improve and optimize their processes. Only by providing insight into customer experiences can brands anticipate changes in the market and maintain a customer-centric approach. Let's discuss the trends for 2024.

1. Real-time feedback


In 2024, the demand for real-time feedback will be greater than ever before. Feedback provided must be visible to the organization in real time, so that action can be taken immediately.


2. Individualization of feedback


One of the notable trends is the growing need for personalized feedback. Consumers not only want to be heard, but also want to feel that their individual experiences matter and are acted upon. Companies that are able to collect feedback, optimize processes and improve the customer experience build a deeper bond with their customers and increase trust. With FourSmileys products it is possible to add a second follow-up question, creating more room for more extensive contact with the customer, client or employee. View the different packages here

3. Multichannel integration


The integration of feedback channels will also be crucial in 2024. Consumers communicate through various channels, including social media, email and through physical locations. The same applies to clients and employees. Companies need to be able to collect and integrate feedback from all these channels to get a complete picture of the situation. By combining different products, such as the Smiley Touch and Smiley Digital, an organization-wide integrated feedback strategy can be used. View the different products here into customer experience with feedback smileys. To properly analyze the integrated feedback, FourSmileys also offers the comparison widget and ranking widget as standard.




The role of feedback in building trust and driving growth remains invaluable. Real-time feedback, personalized approaches and multichannel integration will be the trends shaping the coming year.

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