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Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland​

To turn a hospital into a good, flawless operation, good facility services are of great importance. From arranging company clothing to following up on malfunction reports, the Facilitair Service Bureau of Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland takes care of it all. Providing good service is a process of continuous improvement. How is this being tackled and what results have already been achieved? Mary Andriesse, department manager Service Bureau Facility Services of Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland tells you more in this interview.

Time is a very scarce factor in the medical world; hence it is not always possible to take the time to provide targeted feedback. Due to the lack of time, measuring customer satisfaction was still too often based on gut feeling. Although we think that we act in a customer-oriented way and provide good service, this does not immediately mean that the employee experiences it that way. For the Facility Services Service Bureau, the employees are our customers. This can vary from permanent employees to trainees, flex workers, and interns. The department acts as the link between the care and support side of the hospital. Several examples of daily responsibilities are facilitating the inflow and outflow of staff and processing reports and malfunctions in the hospital. The service is provided both by telephone and at the front desk. With FourSmileys' products, the quality of the service at the front desk can be measured to create awareness in the team and to make immediate adjustments if necessary.

Using the FourSmileys terminal gives us a good overview of our customers' experiences on a weekly and monthly basis. Although we notice that many employees make insufficient use of the option to add a comment, the feedback smileys quantify our service. It offers insight into different patterns. If we suddenly receive negative feedback, we start the conversation internally. Was this at a specific time? Was it one time or several days in a row? Are there situations we can think of? It is interesting to see how a small change in attitude and behavior can immediately lead to a different experience for the customer. The FourSmileys products make us aware of this. We do not only use the smiley terminals to send negative feedback. It also has a motivating effect on the team. In general, our services are rated very well, and to see this reflected in the feedback, sometimes with explanations, is fantastic.

The collaboration with FourSmileys “The collaboration with FourSmileys is very nice. We started working together quite quickly after the first meeting. The tools, the communication, and the short lines ensure that another department in the hospital will now also use the terminals. We are also going to expand within our service bureau. As far as we are concerned, a green smiley for FourSmileys!”

“The tools, the communication, and the short lines ensure that another department in the hospital will now also use the terminals. We are also going to expand within our service bureau." - Franciscus Gasthuis Vlietland, Afdelingsmanager Servicebureau Facilitaire Dienst
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