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Politie Nederland

We all want to live in a safe country. To file a report easily, to be heard and to be helped. Good service at the police is crucial. However, you do not know whether people perceive it as good service if this is not measured. The police in Zevenaar now uses the FourSmileys terminal to measure customer satisfaction among citizens; and with success!

Remco, operational specialist at the Zevenaar Police, is involved in project management and innovation. The police itself occasionally conducts its own customer satisfaction survey. The team that Remco is part of did not come out well in this survey. However, this test gave an incorrect picture, because the response rate was low and completely at odds with what they themselves received as feedback from the citizens. That is why Remco started looking for a way to measure customer satisfaction itself. From this moment on, FourSmileys came into the picture.

The FourSmileys terminal has been at the headquarters in Zevenaar for some time now. There are flyers with a QR code on the other desks. After any customer contact, such as a declaration or report, you are asked whether you want to leave feedback via the terminal when you leave. “We always try to return the feedback we receive to our employees. It is interesting that people do not leave much negative feedback. The response is good, customer satisfaction is high and we obtain a lot of data in an accessible way. However, we hardly get negative feedback. We hope to receive more of this in the future, so that you can take actual steps based on the data obtained,” says Remco. Remco sees opportunities with the terminal, because it could be used more widely, for example by taking it with you to neighborhood meetings. In any case, the possibilities are endless!

“From the start, I have experienced the contact with FourSmileys as good and clear. Certainly in the set-up phase you have more contact with each other than in the phase when everything runs by itself, because the system has to be explained and it has to be checked whether it functions properly."
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